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Publicat a "Ibix 9. Annals del Centre d'Estudis Comarcals del Ripollès 2014-2015", 2016, p. 113-132.
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      Early Modern HistoryProtestantismBorders and FrontiersPyrenees
Localities of orchids in  Spain and the Pyrenees 2007-2015
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In the Pyrenees, brown bear population abundance is estimated from non-invasive genetic analyses of scat and hair samples. Although such analyses are highly beneficial for population monitoring and research, it can be especially difficult... more
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      PyreneesPyrénéesBrown BearsScat Detection Dog
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      Social ChangePyreneesFamily changeRural Sociology, Rural Youth and Rural Family Studies
The Pyrenean brown bear population is annually monitored by cross-border wildlife services involving Andorran, Spanish and French teams. In France, the French Biodiversity Agency (OFB), through the Brown Bear Network (BBN), is in charge... more
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      Conservation BiologyPyreneesPyrénéesBrown Bears
Las políticas ambientales han adquirido una presencia creciente en la comarca del Pallars Sobirà en el curso de las últimas décadas. El análisis de su desarrollo histórico permite interpretar la construcción contemporánea de la montaña... more
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      Heritage StudiesEnvironmental AnthropologyPolitical Ecology (Anthropology)Protected areas
Yeast isolates were obtained from fuel tanks of vehicles in order to assess their potential use in the degradation of aromatic hydrocarbons. Growth assays were performed in minimum mineral medium using different aromatic hydrocarbons... more
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      PyreneesPhenanthreneNaphthalenefuel tanks
El trabajo de esta comunicación se encuadra dentro del trabajo de investigación etnobotánica desarrollado por sus autores en el Valle de Roncal (Navarra). A través de la propuesta aquí expuesta se pretenden interrelacionar dos ámbitos en... more
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      NumismaticsCatalan HistoryInstitutional historyBorders and Frontiers
L'Adour, dans un précédent article, a été suivi depuis ses nombreuses sources qui sourdent dans les massifs du pic du Midi de Bigorre, de l'Arbizon et du Montaigu pour former les Adours du Tourmalet, de Payolle et de Lesponne dont toutes... more
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      PyreneesPyrénéesHautes-PyrénéesBagnères de Bigorre/Haut Adour/Bigorre
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval ArtPyreneesGothic Painting
in Colloque Fortifications médiévales dans les Pyrénées. Comtés de Foix, Couserans, Comminges. Foix 2011. 1023, Canens, p. 281-317.
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesFortificationsPyrenees
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      Landscape ArchaeologyArcheologia medievalePyreneesPyrénées
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      Catalan HistoryInstitutional historyBorders and FrontiersPyrenees
Setzenes Trobades Culturals Pirinenques: Els Pirineus marítims. Andorra la Vella: Societat Andorrana de Ciències, 2020, p. 181-190.
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in colloque  Fortifications médiévales dans les Pyrénées. Comtés de Foix, Comminges, Couserans. Foix 2011. Ss la dir. de Florence Guillot. Canens, 2013, p. 7-29.
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyFortificationsPyrenees
La proliferació de les àrees protegides és un fenomen destacat dels Pirineus contemporanis. Els parcs i les reserves s'han estès per unes muntanyes que fins fa unes poques dècades recolzaven les formes de vida d'amplis sectors de... more
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      Heritage StudiesEnvironmental AnthropologyState FormationMountain communities
Antoni Espino i Òscar Jané, vinculats al Grup de Recerca d’Història Moderna Manuscrits de la UAB, aborden una de les temàtiques que més interès genera darrerament en la historiografia internacional: la frontera com a experiència. Espino... more
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      Military HistorySelf and IdentityNineteenth Century StudiesNational Identity
Cette étude, sur la longue durée, depuis l’aménagement médiéval du col jusqu’à nos jours, est réalisée en prenant attentivement en compte le contexte de l’évolution d’une frontière entre Etats. Passage majeur de la haute chaîne des... more
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      Military HistoryTourism StudiesMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
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      ArchaeologySpeleologyArcheologia medievalePyrenees
This book aims to provide case studies and a general view of the main processes involved in the ecosystem shifts occurring in the high mountains, and to analyse the implications for nature conservation. Although case studies from the... more
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      Climate Change AdaptationPyreneesHigh Mountain ResearchHigh Mountain Regions, Climate Change, Protected Areas
Archéologie du Midi Médiéval, tome 29, 2011, p. 123-147.
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologySpeleologyPyrenees
Presentat al XII Congrés de la Coordinadora de Centres d'Estudis de Parla Catalana: "Associacionisme cultural. Entre el mosaic i les xarxes"
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      History of SociabilitySociabilityPyreneesHistoria política y social siglos XIX y XX
Montañas, comunidades y cambio social en el Pirineo medieval analiza un periodo clave en el devenir histórico de la sociedad del Pirineo central, que arranca en el siglo X y termina en el XIV, a través de un estudio pormenorizado del... more
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      Medieval HistoryRural HistoryLandscape HistoryMedieval Crown of Aragon
Cette enquête ethnographique dans les vallées de Luchon, de Larboust et d’Oueil (Pyrénées centrales) nous livre un témoignage, rare, sur un carnaval rural et montagnard. Ce temps préfigure la réouverture printanière de la montagne, après... more
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      Rural SociologyFestivals and musicEthnographySocial and Cultural Anthropology
Revue du Comminges, tome CXXII, 1er trimestre 2006, p. 31-50.
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesPyreneesHistoire Médiévale
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En las foces, bosques, puentes y callejuelas del pirenaico valle roncalés aún se escuchan algunos murmullos, pasos y sonidos que recuerdan la visión inserta en la fábula, el cuento y la leyenda que le dieron los habitantes a su paisaje... more
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      Basque StudiesPyreneesMitologiaMithology
Revue du Comminges, 2009/1, pp. 95-130
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesPyreneesHistoire Médiévale
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      Early Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology)PyreneesPyrénéesMedieval Archaeology, Churchyard Archaeology, Slandscape Archaeology
This innovative work of historical ecology advances the integration of research on environmental and social systems, contributing important lessons for contemporary natural resource policy and management. A diverse, international region,... more
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      Political Ecology (Anthropology)Pyrenees
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      Catalan HistoryRailway and Transportation HistoryPyreneesPyrénées
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      Early Modern HistoryCatalan HistoryFrontier StudiesBorders and Frontiers
Archéologie du Midi Médiéval, 2006, 23-24, pp.265-292
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyFortifications
In Châteaux pyrénéens au Moyen Âge, ss la dir. Florence Guillot, colloque de Seix 2007, 2009, p. 81-107.
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesFortificationsPyrenees
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyFortificationsArcheologia medievale
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyFortificationsArcheologia medievale
This article synthesises recent zooarchaeological studies and techno-typological analyses of Azilian assemblages from southwestern France. This data, occasionally complemented by information from bone tools and mobiliary art, allows the... more
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      ZooarchaeologyLithic TechnologyPyreneesAzilian
Les années 1980 correspondent aux dernières études de synthèse sur l'Épipaléolithique dans les Landes et les Pyrénées occidentales. Depuis, de nouveaux sites ont été découverts tandis que nos conceptions sur la transition entre... more
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      Bone and AntlerPrehistoric ArtUpper PaleolithicBone Industry
Revue du Comminges, 2006-n°2, p. 173-208.
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesFortificationsPyrenees
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval ArchaeologySpeleologyPyrenees
Colloque Le château à la Une ! Périgueux - sept. 2008, publié en 2009, Bordeaux, pp. 27-44
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesFrontier StudiesFortifications
The oblique Segre ramp zone between the eastern and central Pyrenees constitutes one of the major unsolved problems in the southern Pyrenees. Its geometry and evolution not only solve the eastern boundary of the South Central Unit but is... more
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      Folding (Structural Geology)PyreneesThrustingForeland Basin
Fortifications médiévales dans les Pyrénées. Comtés de Foix, Couserans, Comminges. colloque de Foix 2011, ss la dir. de Florence Guillot, Canens, 2013, p. 319-413.
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This book offers the first collective discussion, by archaeologists, historians and philologists, of a corpus of six charters (four of which recently discovered) that all came from or are linked to the archive of the monastery of Asán.... more
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      Late AntiquityMountain communitiesLate Antique HagiographyPastoralism (Archaeology)
Los infanzones o hidalgos del norte Aragón eran un grupo conformado mayoritariamente por campesinos que disfrutaban de una condición legal privilegiada. Debido a las evoluciones locales divergentes en la formación del colectivo durante... more
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      Medieval Crown of AragonPyreneesMedieval Economic and Social History
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      Catalan HistoryBanditryBorders and FrontiersPyrenees
Comment rendre compte du « croire » de populations paysannes de la première modernité, de ceux qui n'écrivent pas et, de fait, qui ne se livrent pas ? Un temps, l'expression commode de « religion populaire » a pu séduire les historiens au... more
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      Reformation StudiesJesuit historyHistory of MissionsMission Studies
En el present article s'ha volgut compilar el coneixement existent i aprofundir en els hospitals de la guerra civil (1936-1939) a l'Alt Urgell. Alguns d'ells van estar planificats a l'esclatar la guerra i d'altres es van crear com a... more
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      Spanish Civil WarHistory of HospitalsHospitalsPyrenees
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyFortificationsArcheologia medievale