Qajar Persia
Recent papers in Qajar Persia
این کتاب پژوهشی در باب تاریخ معماری و شهرسازی تهران در زمان ناصرالدین شاه قاجار است. در اواخر سدۀ سیزدهم هجری، گسترش تهران و شکلگیری محلههای مسکونی جدید در دارالخلافۀ ناصری فرصتی تازه به بانیان معماری و عاملان شهرسازی داد تا نیازها و... more
MA thesis (German) "Wandel im Kleidungsstile der qajarischen Wuerdentraeger anhand von Hofportraets" / Change of Qajar Dignitaries' Attire in Court Portraits.
A Private English Company Defeats Persia and Forces It to Evacuate Afghanistan
جوادی یگانه، محمدرضا و سعیده زادقناد (1394) «بررسی مسائل زنان ایرانی از پیش از اسلام تا انقلاب اسلامی از نگاه سفرنامهنویسان خارجی» پژوهش نامه زنان. دوره 6. ویژه نامه. تابستان 1394. صص 23-46 The present research studies Iranian women... more
The Qajar Army in Russo-Iranian Wars: The Irregular Cavalry (in Russian)
1905 öncesi dönem, İran için istikrarsızlık- taviz-istikrarsızlık fasit dairesinin giderek daha tahripkâr olmaya başladığı bir devirdir. Harici güçlere verilen tavizlerin en önemlisi, 1890 Mart’ında İran’daki tüm tütünün üretim, satış ve... more
ناصرالدین شاه از مهمترین و تأثیرگذارترین شاهان تاریخ ایران است که وقایع و خاطرات روزانه سالهای بسیاری از عمر خود را در قالب چند آلبوم ثبت کرده است. یکی از ویژگیهای او دانستن زبان فرانسه است و یادداشتهایش منبع ارزشمندی برای اطلاع از... more
Qajar dynasty which ruled Persia towards the end of XVIIIth century (1797- 1925), means a westernization age for the country. In this age, by the modern universities and arts academies which are resultans of the reformists movements on... more
This study of the first major work by the Báb, Sayyid ‘Alī Muḥammad Shírázi, demonstrates the pervasive and instrumental role of the Qur'án and Ḥadíth or Akhbár in his thought, the structure, form and contents of that thought in which the... more
This is the PDF of my Introduction to C.J. Wills, In the Land of the Lion and Sun published in the "Persia Observed" series in 2004. It offers a content analysis of this important travel account by a physician of the Indo-European... more
The transition from Qajar rule in Iran (c.1796–1925) to that of rule by the Pahlavi dynasty (1925–1979) set in motion a number of shifts in the political, social, and cultural realms. Focusing on masculinity in Iran, this book interweaves... more
Nagmeh Sohrabi writes this piece on Qajar era Iranian travelogues at a time of intense scrutiny into geopolitical aspirations of the revolutionary Islamic Iran. She has tried to bring out the unexpected and inconceivable motives behind... more
Among the most precious Iranian lithographic books from the Qajar period is Kulliyat-e Joodi, whose illustrations stand out in their depiction of the women present at the Battle of Karbala. With a focus on Zaynab bint Ali (peace of God... more
Climate is one of the fundamental issues considered in the architecture of traditional houses in Iran. In the design of Iranian traditional houses all patterns are influenced by various factors, including climate as well as individual and... more
The Negarestan Mural was among several murals depicting prominent members of the Qajar ruling family, with the ruler, each time, featured at the center of the monumental work. The question this paper asks and seeks to resolve is this:... more
This analytical study identifies and analyzes two innovative instruments of Persian music, the Majles Ārā, and Tarab Angiz. For almost a century, the whereabouts of these two instruments had remained unknown, with no information available... more
Fashion in the twenty-first century in Iran has become highly inventive, surprisingly innovative, and undoubtedly glamorous. This is a surprise to some in the West who are accustomed to seeing images of large public gatherings of men and... more
Unveiling the Veiled Royal Consorts, Slaves and Prostitutes in Qajar Photographs Photo exhibition curated by: Dr. Pedram Khosronejad Associate Director for Iranian and Persian Gulf Studies, Oklahoma State University A special Exhibit... more
Identification of an hitherto unknown work by Yahya Ghaffari and of its subject, the Narenjestan (Orangerie) of the Golestan Palace, depicting a grand reception with Naser al-Din Shah.
First published on 17th June 2020 here: Excerpt: There was never a Persian Empire; in either pre-Islamic or Islamic times, there was only an Iranian Empire,... more
Dr. Pedram Khosronejad, the Associate Director for Iranian and Persian Gulf Studies at Oklahoma State University, curated a photography exhibition titled Re-Imagining Iranian African slavery: Photography as material culture that will be... more
ممالکِمحروسه، آمادهی دریافتِ نوشتارهایِ(تألیف, بازْنشرِ[اسنادِ منتشرْنشده] و تصحیحِ [نسخههای خطّی] و ترجمه) پژوهشیِ پژوهشْگرانِ قاجاریهشناس است. ممالکِمحروسه، ویژهی پژوهشهای تاریخِ قاجار است و از چاپِ نوشتارهایی که دیگرْ دورانهای... more
"نسخه خطی هزار و یک شب کتابخانه کاخ گلستان در فهرست شیخ المشایخ معزی". گزارش میراث. س. 8، ش. 1-2، تیر 1393: 89-95.
Brochure of an exhibition of textiles and related arts organized by The Textile Museum, Washington, D.C., on view 7 November 1986 - 29 January 1987. Topics addressed: Meaning and Metaphor, Court and Commerce, Textiles and Trade, Textiles... more
The aim of this paper is to describe and analyse the royal harem and its functions during the reign of Naser al-Din Shah Qajar (r. 1848–96), on the basis of two independent Persian-language sources written by noble Iranian women at the... more
P. Khosronejad, April 30. 2020. Fajouriyeh, An Exceptional Persian Pornographic Manuscript of Qajar-Era Iran For being published in: Journal of the Anthropology of Contemporary Middle East and Central Eurasia Special Issue, Summer... more
In the mid-nineteenth century, Parsis reestablished ties with Zoroastrians in Iran that had languished due to decades-long internal unrest in Iran. In 1854 reformists in India established the Society for the Amelioration of Conditions in... more
Biographical article on Sir John Malcolm and his History of Persia. (2014)
کتاب هنر ایران نوشته رابرت مرداک اسمیت (۱۸۳۵-۱۹۰۰م) یکی از نخستین کتابهای تاریخ هنر ایران است که در عهد ناصری و در سال ۱۸۷۶م (۱۲۵۴ش) در لندن منتشر شده است. مرداک اسمیت رئیس اداره تلگراف ایران (۱۸۶۴-۱۸۸۸م) سرلشکر باستان شناس و دیپلمات... more
"قرآن 1249، نخستین کتاب چاپ سنگی ایران". نامۀ بهارستان. س 12، ش 18-19. اسفند 1390: 367 -370.