Roman military archaeology
Recent papers in Roman military archaeology
Das kelten römer museum manching zeigte in Kooperation mit Mules of Marius eine Erlebnisausstellung, die das römische Militär auf anschauliche, unterhaltsame und interaktive Weise erneut zum Leben erweckte. Kleine und große Gäste durften... more
The Drakkar was the Viking war ship, the Dromon that of the Byzantine world. The Vikings and Byzantines collided, cooperated, fought for and against each other. Since the Dromon (and other galleys in the Med) was rowed standing up,... more
Se pretende abordar el estudio de los graneros romanos de ámbito militar en Hispania, mediante un análisis del emplazamiento que ocupaban en el interior de los campamentos legionarios y fuertes y, especialmente, de las técnicas de... more
Article based on my Bachelor thesis and conference talk delivered on 20th May 2011 in Krakow. It discusses two different types of Roman fortification systems - Hadrian's Wall and Limes Arabicus.
Ce mémoire de master propose un examen des entrepôts publics en milieux urbain et militaire durant les Haut et Bas-Empire, en Gaule Belgique et Germanie inférieure. Pour cela, il a d’abord été nécessaire d’établir un catalogue de toutes... more
This text gives some very small selection of details included in the forthcoming Caracalla: A Military Biography (as an advertisement) due to be published by Pen & Sword this year and in fact provides also a short overview of some of the... more
Im vergangenen Jahrzehnt konnten auf dem Gebiet des römerzeitlichen Bregenz wesentliche neue Erkenntnisse zur frühkaiserzeitlichen Siedlungsstruktur gewonnen werden. Wenngleich seit 150 Jahren Grabungen im Siedlungsareal durchgeführt... more
The excavations at Caerleon in the summer of 2011 were focused on the complex of monumental buildings outside the fortress of Isca. This impressive suburb extended over about 5 hectares, including some of the largest Roman buildings in... more
Bei Grabungen 1898 entdeckte römische Steindenkmäler innerhalb eines Gebäudes im Gräberfeld von Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt sind der Ausgangspunt der Untersuchung. Darunter befanden sich einige Weihungen an die Göttin Herecura. Daher wurde... more
The article is devoted to the publication of brooches of the Avcissa type from the excavations of the Artesian site. A detailed analysis allows us to consider them as the early variants of the type, whereas and the findings themselves are... more
New Approaches to Greek and Roman Warfare brings together essays from specialists in ancient history who employ contemporary tools and approaches to reveal new evidence and increase knowledge of ancient militaries and warfare. In-depth... more
Das Roll-up gibt eine kurze, allgemein verständliche Einführung zu den beiden römischen Schiffswracks aus der Zeit um 100 n. Chr., die 1986 in Oberstimm (Markt Manching) entdeckt und 1994 vollständig geborgen wurden. Seit 2006 bilden die... more
Az egyiptomi nyugati-sivatagi Kharga és Dakhla oázisok a Római korban - A római hadsereg és sivatagi erődök
Dit artikel is tot stand gekomen als een samenvatting van mijn master thesis. Het bevat een overzicht van de fibulae die gevonden zijn in de zuidwest hoek van het castellum van Oudenburg (opgraving Oudenburg-Spegelaere). Deze vondsten... more
Anlässlich des 15-jährigen Bestehens des kelten römer museums manching startete am 2. Juni 2021 das Quiz »Professor von Eulenschnurz – Jäger des verworrenen Quatsches«. Die Besucherinnen und Besucher hatten Gelgenheit, bis zum 12.... more
Книга посвящена эволюции римского декорированного доспеха в эпоху принципата. Это первое масштабное исследование римских доспехов на русском языке, являющееся плодом двадцатилетних изысканий автора. Изучение античного оружия и его... more
The paper is dedicated to a new beneficiary inscription from the Roman province of Dalmatia found in Kifino Selo, near Nevesinje in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Republika Srpska). It is executed on the front of a limestone altar with a widened... more
Caracalla. A Military Biography is now available as a hardcover, Kindle and e-book an from the website of its publisher Pen & Sword Publishing and from most of the major booksellers. It is not only the first published biography in... more
Campaigns of Germanicus, AD 13-16 describes briefly the campaigns, joint and combined ops., tactics, strategy, foreign policy, espionage, intelligence gathering, and strategy between ca. 60 BC and AD 150 with particular focus on... more
Roman roads are the backbone of British history. This book examines the questions that never seem to be asked about Roman roads. Whilst new routes are traced and theories propounded about how they were surveyed, the important issues like... more
Poster presented at the International Conference on Roman Brick and Tile : Past, present and future of the study of Roman ceramic building materials; Ghent, Friday 4th to Sunday 6th December 2015
This article presents a fragmentary and hitherto unpublished inscribed funerary stele, which was reused in Venice as an architectural spolium and has recently come to light. The text, written in Latin, is very likely to be the epitaph for... more