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Bitka za Ilirik
Battle for Illyricum Bitka za Ilirik2018 •
The book "Battle for Illyricum" is the second, largely supplemented and revised edition of the book "The Roman Wolf and the Illyrian Serpent, Last Fight ". Basic theme of the book “Battle of Illyricum” is Great Illyrian Uprising or Last Roman – Illyrian war which lasted from 6 AD till 9 AD. This “the greatest Roman war since Punic wars” is very poorly known and represented in modern historiography and public. Three and a half years of the Great Illyrian Uprising represented for Illyrian lands and peoples a final break with prehistoric and protohistoric periods and entry into the historical era. The ultimate cause of the uprising was economic exploitation of the province of Illyricum, with consequence that aboriginal population in Illyricum became more and more poorer. In the spring 6 AD, Augustus issued order for mobilization of many young man from Illyrian nations in auxiliary units. But, instead to go in war against germano-celtic kingdom of Marcomania, these units rebelled (somewhere in Central Bosnia) against their roman officers. After first flames of uprising, rebels created Rebel Alliance which united almost all aboriginal nations in Illyricum south of river Sava. On the top of Rebel Alliance were two man (as political leaders and military chiefs) with name Bato, one from nation Daesitiates (near modern Sarajevo) and one from nation Breucos (southeastern Pannonia). During 6 AD and first half of 7 AD Rebel Alliance liberated and controlled area from borders of Italia to borders of Macedonia. Augustus sent almost 190 000 legionary, auxiliary, veterans and allied troops under command of his stepson Tiberius against Rebel Alliance. After two and half years of terrible and devastating war, Bato the Breuk betrayed Rebel Alliance, and with some of Pannonian forces surrendered to Tiberius on river Bosnia (3rd August 8 AD). Bato the Daesitiat and the rest of Rebel Alliance managed to defeat traitors and capture Bato the Breuk. After the trial, the assembly of the Rebel Alliance has passed the death penalty for Bato the Breuk. Romans and their allies continued war against Rebel Alliance for one year with bloody battles and offensive. In middle September 9 AD, Bato the Daesitiates surrendered himself and rest of rebels to Tiberius. War was over and Illyricum returned to Empire.
2016 •
U prvom delu rada autor interpretira Lajbnicovu fi lozofi ju kao pokušaj ponovnog obezbeđivanja naučnih prerogativa za prvu fi lozofi ju. Za razliku od Dekarta fi lozofske stranputice se kod njega ne mogu objašnjavati nekom transcendentnom, natprirodnom intervencijom (malin génie). Naprotiv, Lajbnic jednoznačno pokazuje da za naše greške u mišljenju nije odgovoran upliv natprirodnog nego prevelika bliskost onom prirodnom. U drugom delu, autor tvrdi da je promociju pomirenja kao središnje fi lozofske delatnosti Lajbnic proveo u delo polazeći od pretpostavke da su protivrečnosti rasute po fi lozofskoj tradiciji tek prividne. Svako partikularno stanovište može da zadobije svoje pravo važenje jedino ukoliko na izvestan način bude dovedeno u vezu sa ostalim stanovištima, uključujući i one koji mu izrekom oponiraju. Uspostavljanje takve veze Lajbnic poima kao pomirenje.
Revija za socijalnu politiku
Asad Alam i suradnici (ur.): Growth, Poverty and Inequality: Eastern Europe and Former Soviet Union2006 •
Zbornik Odsjeka Za Povijesne Znanosti Zavoda Za Povijesne I Drustvene Znanosti Hrvatske Akademije Znanosti I Umjetnosti Zbornik Zavoda Za Povijesne Znanosti Ic Jazu Zbornik Historijskog Zavoda Ja Zbornik Historijskog Instituta Ja
Juraj Rattkay, Spomen na kraljeve i banove Kraljevstava Dalmacije, Hrvatske i Slavonije, Hrvatski institut za povijest, Zagreb 2001.; VIII, 374 str2003 •
This paper analyzes the Preslavisms in the text of Kopitar’s Gospel, a Bosnian Church Slavonic manuscript from the second half of the 14th century. The sporadic presence of the lexicon from the second redaction of the Slavonic translation of the Gospel (T2) in Kopitar’s manuscript raised the important question of the origin of the younger template used by the scribe of this codex. The comparative analysis showed that, in addition to the main template belonging to the tradition of the first redaction (T1), the scribe also used a control template with an updated Jurjevsko-Mstislav type vocabulary. The control template is close to the textual tradition of the second editorial board, whose testimonies are found in numerous East Slavic and South Slavic manuscripts.
Revija Za Sociologiju
Modernization (and/or Europeization) of Croatian Periphery – Examples of Istria, Lika and Gorski Kotar2004 •
According to Giddens, the modern self is bewildered by the growing variety of possible identities on offer. In the transitional period Balkan countries are currently facing, we can observe a dynamic interplay of traditional and new identities. Traditional identities on one hand change under the pressure of new ones, and on the other put up certain resistance to possible changes. In this paper the authors present a comparative analysis of identification and identities in Serbia, Bulgaria and Macedonia, based on the findings of empirical research. By establishing similarities and differences between identity dynamics in these countries, it becomes possible to account for identity trends in them. In a separate section, family value orientations are examined as cultural frames of reference of identity constructions. Their analytical deconstruction is accomplished through the prism of relatively structured gender relations and a particular, " desired " pattern of family values....
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Iztapalapa. Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades
Presentación de Otros Temas del Número 802012 •
2017 •
PLoS Pathogens
Two-Component System Cross-Regulation Integrates Bacillus anthracis Response to Heme and Cell Envelope Stress2014 •
2021 •
Women's Health Bulletin
The Experience of the Passage of Time as Narrated by Women With Breast Cancer: A Qualitative Study2015 •
2016 •
2016 •
Gynecology & Obstetrics
The Effects of Maternal Serum Lipid on Maternal Blood Pressure and Fetal Birth Weight: A Prospective Cohort Study2015 •
2022 •
2012 •
Acta Physica Polonica A
Co 2+ Ions in ZnS x Se 1-x :Co - ESR and Optical Studies1998 •
2021 •
Revista Chilena de Antropología
La microscopía como herramienta metodológica en zooarqueología y tafonomía en Chile: casos y perspectivas2015 •
2016 •
2020 •
2007 •
Комплексные проблемы сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний
The model of a primary medical care specialist for cardiovascular diseases2023 •
Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP
Lack of HPV in Benign and Malignant Epithelial Ovarian Tumors in Iran2017 •
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica
Clinical and demographic correlates of stigma in first‐episode psychosis: the impact of duration of untreated psychosis2019 •
Escritoras en la Querelle des Femmes
Una voce femminile della scienza. Le "Lettere" di Camilla Erculiani2023 •
Syntax Literate ; Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia
Kajian Sumber Daya Manusia Proses Jasa Sarana Fisik dan Dampaknya pada Kepuasan Masyarakat2021 •
2013 •
Energy Procedia
Impact of Offshore Wind Power on System Adequacy in a Regional Hydro-based Power System with Weak Interconnections2012 •
2009 •