Recent papers in Serbian
Горан Давидовић, Милош Тимотијевић, Затамњена прошлост : историја равногораца чачанског краја. Књ. 3, Агонија и слом : ратне 1944. и 1945. године (Чачак : Међуопштински историјски архив ; Краљево : Народни музеј, 2004 (Чачак : Графика... more
This article examines the reshaping of Belgrade's memorial landscape after the Second World War and after the 1999 NATO bombings, with a focus on the role of architects. As such, the paper shifts the scale of memory debates in two ways:... more
PREDGOVOR NIKOLAJA LEVAŠOVA ,13 januara 2011 godine : " Ova knjiga je postala Hima heroja iz proslosti, čija imena su osudjena na zaborav, kao Isidora, ili sećanja iskrivljena o Radomiru i Magdaleni. Svetlana je uspela da vrati dobro... more
The folk tradition of Serbia contains references that resemble Vedic Gods. Their chief God was known as Triglav, literally meaning ‘three heads’. This has a parallel to Trimurti (Shiva) and the four-faced Brahma of the Hindu pantheon.... more
No. 2
No. 2
estilo característica para a poesia lírica, épica e lírico-épica, sobretudo da tradição oral dos povos eslavos, embora também possa existir em outras culturas. O primeiro autor que escreveu sobre esta figura de estilo e quem lhe deu o... more
Темчин С.Ю., Гомилиарий Михановича в монастыре св. Прохора Пшинского: неучтенный фрагмент родственного сербского пергаменного списка XIV века, in Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne, nr. 14, 2018, s. 213‒220.
(= Slavonic names for mosque with special regard to Polish, Silesian, Czech and Slovak data). -- Abstract: Even though mosques are a typical element of the Islamic culture the channels through which their designations came into Slavonic... more
Ördögh Tibor_Vajdaság politikatörténete_In Ördögh Tibor (szerk.)_Vajdaság1.-Vajdaság társadalmi és gazdasági jellemzői_VMDOK_Szabadka_2017_pp9-40.
1912’den itibaren Güney Sırbistan olarak adlandırılan Kosova, Makedonya ve Sancak’ı elinde tutan Sırbistan ile Osmanlı Devleti arasında, Balkan Savaşları sonrasında 14 Mart 1914’te İstanbul’da bir barış antlaşması imzalanmıştır. Bu barış... more
Dans la présente communication, nous nous sommes proposé de contribuer à la caractérisation sémantique de la préposition française dans, en examinant ses emplois et ses significations possibles et en confrontant les structures françaises... more
This paper focuses on the urban graffiti painted with a political message by different movements of the Italian political radicalism in the cities of Rome, Florence, Massa, Carrara, Verona and Udine. For the purpose of this article,... more
Miloš Velimirović, Milos Velimirovich, Milosh Velimirovich, Dušan Mihalek, Dushan Mihalek, letters
87. Милош Тимотијевић, „Кошарка у Чачку 1940-1951.”, Зборник радова Народног музеја LI/ LII (2021/2022), стр. 299-341. One of the most important characteristics of modern society is certainly sport, which has grown from games and... more
This chapter deals with the theoretical foundations of Balkan Sprachbund studies: their purpose and aims, terminology and methods, and the areal and intralinguistic evidence for the regularity of contact-induced Balkanization processes on... more
Il dizionario Italijansko-srpski/srpsko-italijanski (Italiano-serbo/serbo-italiano), a cura di Jasmina Stojković e Katarina Zavišin, è stato pubblicato nel 2016 dalla casa editrice Zavod za udžbenike di Belgrado. La sezione... more
The paper is focused on ideological and political conflicts about popular mu-sic in Serbia, as a good example of wrong and confused searching for identity. Basicconflict that author is analysing is about oriental elements (such as... more
U radu se istražuju sekundarne promene u adaptaciji anglicizama na morfološkom i semantičkom nivou na korpusu sakupljenom na društvenoj mreži Fejsbuk u komunikaciji o rijaliti-programima. U okviru morfološke adaptacije razmatraju se... more
Serbian edition of the original Greek-English work of the authors.
At the beginning of XXI century the problem of Serbian national identity has become one of the most important topics in public. There are at least three opposed self-concepts of Serbian nation. The first relies on the medieval... more
In contemporary business management, which is characterized by intense competitive pressure, marketing is getting more and more dominant role. Companies on the market are more exposed to competitive pressure due to the growing number of... more
This paper deals with how focus affects scalar implicatures in the interpretation of Serbian quantifier neki ‘some ‘ (e.g. Some apples are on the table). Two experiments have been conducted with 56 adult native Speakers of Serbian, based... more
This article describes the experience of the community of Serb-Catholics living in Dubrovnik in the early twentieth century. It is based primarily on an investigation of the literary and cultural periodical Srdj (1902-08). This study... more
The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of 3, 5, and 7 days of creatine loading coupled with resistance training on skeletal muscle volume and functional performance. Twenty active males were randomly assigned in a... more
Nove tehnologije i razvoj Interneta donieli su nove izazove u svim sferama društva. Izuzetak nažalost nije ni nasilje koje je prešlo granice fizičkog okruženja i proširilo se u virtualno okruženje, naročito kod djece i mladih.... more
СТУДИЈЕ ИЗ СРПСКЕ РЕЛИГИЈЕ И ФОЛКЛОРА Филолошки листићи О читању Библије Прослава Миланског едикта у Нишу »У Бога су вунене ноге, а гвоздене руке« Место коментара Примедбе уз неколике пословице Из српске религије и митологије О садржини и... more
I aim in this chapter to provide a generalizing genetic and geolinguistic (arealtypological) analysis of Slavic dialects in the Balkan context and to offer synthetic conclusions at the present state of research. I will make statements on... more
ТИМОТИЈЕВИЋ, Милош, 1969- "Храбри" партизани и "зли" четници : студије о Србији у Другом светском рату : (1941-1945) / Милош Тимотијевић. - Београд : Catena mundi, 2019 (Пирот : Pi-press). - 234 стр. ; 25 cm. - (Библиотека Посебна... more
U legendama, pričama, narodnim pesmama i odgovarajućim istorijskim spisima, nalaze se dokazi o postojanju viteškog kodeksa u Srednjovekovnoj Srbiji. Oni su bili ratnici na konjima, a kako su oni bili skupi, njihova titulacija se vezivala... more
Hybrid nouns, nouns which induce different agreements according to the target, have been described in various languages. The new question is why they exist at all. There is clear evidence that hybrids vary considerably in the agreement... more
The main focus of the paper is the image of European-Chinese relations in the travel prose Tamo amo po istoku (‘Here and there in the East’), written by the Serbian traveller Milan Jovanović. Jovanović worked as a doctor on a steamer... more