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2019, ProQuest
At the beginning of the thirteenth century the commercial commune of Pisa was one of the two most powerful maritime forces in the Mediterranean, alongside Venice and ahead of Genoa. By the end of the century, however, the city had declined to a position of solely regional political and economic importance. This dissertation delves into the reasons behind Pisa’s decline during the very period when Italy’s three most famous commercial economies of Venice, Genoa, and Florence were experiencing their greatest growth. This study primarily utilizes traditional historiographic approaches for examining Pisa during the long thirteenth century, but also incorporates the interdisciplinary use of statistical and social network analyses to uncover facets of the socio-economic landscape during the final decades of the century. The strength of the present work lies in the chronological breadth of its study, encompassing just over a century of Pisan history. Unlike previous scholarship which has focused more narrowly on a few decades, a broader period of study permits the uncovering of communal behavioral trends and patterns in decision making. The causes of thirteenth-century decline can generally be divided into four categories: imperial allegiance at all costs, ignoring structural changes in the global economy, unquenchable Sardinian aspirations, and the consequences of the traumatic naval defeat at Meloria in 1284. Since at least 1081 Pisa had traded its allegiance for imperial commercial concessions, often to the consternation of the city’s mostly papally-aligned neighbors. During the thirteenth century, as imperial power in Italy waned and factional conflict intensified, Pisa adherence to the imperial strategy repeatedly brought them into military conflict with the rest of Tuscany, ultimately isolating Pisa politically on the mainland. Pisa had built its economic-political prominence primarily through the spice trade with the East and the success of its leather industries at home. Political events and changing consumer preferences conspired to move the primary trade routes northward and westward while market demand for spices was eclipsed by demand for woolen textiles; while Pisa was slow to respond to these changes, the city’s chief competitors adapted quickly and reaped the bulk of the benefits, largely excluding Pisa from later entry. In Sardinia, what had begun as a twelfth-century argument with Genoa over episcopal supremacy evolved into a land grab by Pisa’s most powerful families. As these families wielded significant political power, their personal ambitions bent communal policies to their own interests, repeatedly bringing the commune into violent competition with Genoa. One such encounter was the Battle of Meloria in 1284 which resulted in the death or capture of over 10,000 Pisan men, possibly 25% of the city’s population. This demographic tragedy, combined with the counterproductive policies of a series of strongmen and oligarchies, sent the city spiraling into a protracted economic depression. This depression, discovered for the first time by the statistical and social network analyses of the present study, crippled the already declining economic and political importance of the city, permanently removing any hope of the municipality achieving anything beyond regional importance.
Between the eleventh and thirteenth-century Pisa greatly expanded the boundaries of its domain, exerting a strong poltitical, cultural and economic influence well beyond the the circuit of its walls or its county. The city created (as well as Venice and Genoa) bases, emporiums and colonies throughout the Mediterranean, organized war efforts against hostile political realities, had from kings and emperors extensive privileges, stipulated diplomatic treaties and trade agreements with the cities, the lordships that dotted the shores of the Mediterranean sea. Then it built, in a sense, an "empire" and its particular power was conscious to the point of hiring - in behavior, in artistic productions and architectural - models that recalled roman antiquity.
Renaissance Quarterly
Review of D. Romano & J. Martin, eds. Venice Reconsidered: nsidered: The History and Civilization ofan Italian City-State, 1297-17972003 •
Social Mobility in Medieval Italy (1100-1500), edited by Sandro Carocci and Isabella Lazzarini, Roma, Viella, 2018
Italian Communal Cities and the Thirteenth-Century Commercial Revolution: Economic Change, Social Mobility and Cultural ModelsJournal of medieval history
The politics of violence and trade: Denia and Pisa in the eleventh century2006 •
The history of Tuscany during the Middle Ages has been a topic of great interest for many Italian and foreign scholars since at least the beginning of the nineteenth century. Research on the subject has thrived because of this Italian region's exceptional dynamics and high level of urbanization during the XIIth to XIVth centuries, which are practically unique from the political and the economic standpoints, and because of its social structure and its cultural heritage. The paper tries to explain the reasons for the great demographic, economic and social development of Tuscan cities in the city-states age, comparing the situation of major agglomerations with the one of important towns. The text analyzes the massive increase in urban production, trade and banking at an international level, connected to the control of agricultural resources coming from cities' countryside. Attention is also paid to the civic religion, to the historical culture and to political rules of the most important communities, to show the peculiarities of the region on the eve of the Renaissance. The history of Tuscany during the Middle Ages has been a topic of great interest for many Italian and foreign scholars since at least the beginning of the nineteenth century 2. Research on the subject has thrived because of this Italian region's exceptional dynamics, which are practically unique from the political and the economic standpoints, and because of its social structure and its cultural heritage 3. Moreover, these dynamics are well described in many, particularly thirteenth-and fourteenth-century, archive documents and memorialists' accounts.
Renaissance Quarterly
Richard A. Goldthwaite . The Economy of Renaissance Florence . Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins University Press , 2009 . xviii + 649 pp. index. illus. tbls. map. $55. ISBN: 978–0–8018–8982–02009 •
This volume aims to investigate the complex theme of social mobility in medieval Italy both by comparing Italian research to contemporary international studies in various European contexts, and by analysing a broad range of themes and specific case studies. Medieval social mobility as a European phenomenon, in fact, still awaits a systematic analysis, and has seldom been investigated iuxta propria principia in social, political and economic history. The essays in the book deal with a number of crucial problems: how is social mobility investigated in European and Mediterranean contexts? How did classic mobility channels such as the Church, officialdom, trade, the law, the lordship or diplomacy contribute to shaping the many variables at play in late medieval societies, and to changing – and challenging – inequality? How did movements and changes in social spaces become visible, and what were their markers? What were the dynamics at the heart of the processes of social mobility in the many territorial contexts of the Italian peninsula? Contributors: Frederik Buylaert, Sandro Carocci, Simone M. Collavini, Maria Elena Cortese, Bianca de Divitiis, Massimo Della Misericordia, Christopher Dyer, Serena Ferente, Andrea Gamberini, Sam Geens, David Igual Luis, Isabella Lazzarini, Jean-Claude Maire Vigueur, François Menant, Giuliano Milani, Pierre Monnet, Giuseppe Petralia, Alma Poloni, Olivetta Schena, Francesco Senatore, Alessandro Silvestri, Lorenzo Tanzini, Pierluigi Terenzi, Sergio Tognetti. Sandro Carocci teaches Medieval History at the University of Roma 2. Isabella Lazzarini teaches Medieval History at the University of Molise. viella historical research
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