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2000, IEEE Design & Test of Computers
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe)
ASSERT: a step towards reliable and scientific system and software engineering2008 •
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT)
IJERT-VLang and System Verilog Verification Languages : A Comparision2014 • Verification of the design has become a critical issue due to the increasing complexity of the chip according to the Moore's law. On the other hand in the present scenario the Moore's law no longer persists as no further reduction in the chip size is possible, hence Amdahl's law is the main area of focus. About 70% of the design effort is consumed in the verification, so productivity, reusability and multi-threading in multi-core processors have become the key issues. SystemVerilog and Valng are the languages providing the means of reusability and productivity through the creation of the Verification IP. The edge that VLang has over SystemVerilog is the multi-threading feature which helps in faster simulation and hence more efficient. The VLang uses the D language as its base. The most significant feature is that Vlang is Open Source.
2009 •
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2010 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing and 7th International Conference on Autonomic & Trusted Computing
Improvement of the Security Against Node Capture Attacks Using Dispersed Data Transmission for Wireless Sensor Networks2010 •
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Covid-19 Pandemisinde Gündelikçi Kadın Olmak2022 •
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Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences
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Earth and Planetary Science Letters
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Zbornik Radova Uciteljskog Fakulteta Užice
Reforms of physical education: Between essence and existence2005 •
Pediatric Radiology
Cavernous sinus thrombosis secondary to sinusitis: a rare and life-threatening complication2009 •
Scientific Reports
Controlling metal–insulator transitions in reactively sputtered vanadium sesquioxide thin films through structure and stoichiometry2021 •
Instrumentos Utilizados No Processo De Co-Design2020 •