Urban History
Recent papers in Urban History
In the final decades of Ottoman rule, several waves of refugees from the Russian Empire's North Caucasus region immigrated to Transjordan, where they founded Amman and other agricultural villages. This article examines the economy of... more
Un testamento de 1602 custodiado en el Archivo General de la Nación en Lima permite algunas deducciones sobre la vida social de San Pedro de los Chorrillos temprano
This book focuses on the ethnically composite, heterogeneous, mixed nature of the Mediterranean cities and their cultural heritage between the late Middle Ages and early modern times. How did it affect the cohabitation among different... more
Article écrit en collaboration avec Carole Ledent (UNamur / PolleN). Paru dans "Catastrophe(s) ! Namur face aux calamités dans l’histoire", numéro spécial des "Cahiers de Sambre et Meuse", 2017. Commande : http://www.sambreetmeuse.be/... more
A policy agenda for the grounded city that goes beyond the competitiveness frame and the agglomeration craze of the new urban economists and instead argues for a stronger emphasis on the foundational economy that provides the... more
La presente comunicación surge de considerar que el patrimonio industrial no puede entenderse sin tener en cuenta el modo de habitar obrero, en este caso el de los trabajadores de las fábricas de la zona norte de la ciudad de... more
The article deals with some issues pertaining to the creation of a new, Polish face of Lviv in the 19th century, in the period of Polish autonomy and self-governance after 1870. By means of analysing the sources (documents of the urban... more
Entre 1860 y 1931, Madrid pasó de ser la “villa y corte” encerrada en los estrechos límites de sus cercas y puertas a convertirse en una moderna metrópoli europea que crecía vertiginosamente en tamaño y población, merced a un ambicioso... more
to cite: Jordan Sand, "How Tokyo Invented Sushi," in Dorothee Imbert, ed. Food and the City: Histories of Culture and Cultivation, Dumbarton Oaks and Harvard University Press, 2015.
El presente Trabajo de Fin de Máster tiene por objeto el análisis de las condiciones socioeconómicas y demográficas del casco antiguo madrileño en los primeros años del siglo XX. Se ha perseguido, mediante su explotación sistemática,... more
This book researchs the various concepts related to the act of walking, as nomadism, the wandering, the migrating and sedentary lifestyles, which are often seen in a wrong way, and its relationship with the city. The way these concepts... more
Published at : Paris, Editions de l'Imprimeur, 2003 (with J.-L. Cohen and Y. Kanoun).
Death, Dirt and Disgust Poems and misogyny in 18th century Stockholm In private notebooks from the 18th century, quantities of rhymes, anecdotes and songs are found that were recited at establishments and joints in Stockholm. A small... more
Distance is both conceptual and actual. It is overcome or exploited in all manner of ways that have consequences for the history of architecture. It is fostered in the critical attitude. And collapsed when history is invoked in the... more
Resumen: Desde mediados de la década del treinta, acompañando el escenario dinámico de la expansión metropolitana de Buenos Aires se reconoce un notable incremento en la producción de mapas viales, que presentan un panorama muy diverso,... more
Northern Europe is marked by some of the slowest and most recent urbanizations in Europe. In Norway, one of the most recent nations to experience urbanization processes, the majority of people lived in non-urbanized areas as recently as... more
Reinout Rutte & Bram Vannieuwenhuyze, Stedenatlas Jacob van Deventer. 226 stadsplattegronden uit 1545-1575 - Schakels tussen heden en verleden, Bussum - Tielt, Uitgeverij Thoth - Lannoo, 2018.
Tulisan ini berusaha mengupas tentang perubahan daya dukung sumber daya air Kota Surakarta yang dipengaruhi oleh perubahan bentuk dan struktur Kota Surakarta setelah mengalami berbagai peristiwa sejarah dari masa ke masa. Metode... more
The Routledge Handbook of Maritime Trade around Europe 1300-1600 explores the links between maritime trading networks around Europe, from the Mediterranean and the Atlantic to the North and Baltic Seas. Maritime trade routes connected... more
"Cards-menus of a Parisian restaurant "Chez Mercier" from 1933 to 1971". This study is based on a unique collection of menus-cards from a Parisian restaurant covering five decades, from the mid-1930s to the beginning of the 1970s, in a... more
Il presente studio si prefigge di esplorare la modalità di inserimento dei nuovi ordini mendicanti nella città di Valencia, di analizzare l’intorno urbano di queste fondazioni e descrivere i meccanismi di intervento dei frati... more
Von Thünen's model of land-use is very popular in the teaching of agricultural geography in schools and universities despite its demonstrable shortcomings. Concentric rings of land-use were not evident even around early nineteenth century... more
The Aalborg Project may be interpreted as a metaphor of modern politics, modern administration and planning, and of modernity itself. The basic idea of the project was comprehensive, coherent, and innovative, and it was based on rational... more
Urbanismul este o creație a modernității produsă prin schimbările fundamentale în structura socială a noilor state moderne. Acest „nou produs” apare în momentul unei schimbări majore de paradigmă la nivelul societății, la începutul unei... more
Mafalala: memórias e espaços de um lugar é o resultado de um trabalho conjunto entre investigadores moçambicanos e portugueses das áreas de literatura e de urbanismo, e da organização não governamental moçambicana IVERCA, nascida neste... more
From its creation as a military housing development to its ultimate transformation into private housing, Linda Vista, in San Diego, ran the ideological spectrum—ranging from a foil for alleged commu- nism, to a repository for proto Right... more