Urbanism (Archaeology)
Recent papers in Urbanism (Archaeology)
One of the main foci of comparative studies on ancient societies deals with urban dynamics and, in particular, with initial urbanization processes and their concomitance with the transformations that lead to the emergence of state... more
The Mongol Zoominar presents: Daily Life in the Mongol Empire with Susanne Reichert (University of Michigan) "A Day at Karakorum: The City and Its People" Alicia Ventresca Miller (University of Michigan) "Life in the Northern... more
ADVERTIMENT. La consulta d’aquesta tesi queda condicionada a l’acceptació de les següents condicions d'ús: La difusió d’aquesta tesi per mitjà del servei TDX (www.tdx.cat) i a través del Dipòsit Digital de la UB (diposit.ub.edu) ha... more
Ujście, Piła i Jastrowie to miasta należące do staropolskiego starostwa ujsko-pilskiego, rozwijającego się od XIV wieku w oparciu o ukształtowaną w poprzednich stuleciach kasztelanię ujską. Pograniczne rubieże Korony charakteryzowały się... more
Urban research in the Maya area often focuses on either the city as a whole, individual house groups, or neighborhoods as clusters of house groups; however, administrative districts provide another level of urban analysis. Administrative... more
Babylon was one of the biggest and greatest cities of the Ancient Near East. At present the ruins of Babylon extend over an area of 850 ha and constitute the largest ancient settlement in Mesopotamia. The Report compiled in November 2004... more
first of a series of recreations in SketchUp in which we imagine the Via dell'Abbondanza of Pompeii 2000 years ago ===///=== primera de una serie de recreaciones en SketchUp en las que queremos imaginar la Via dell'Abbondanza de Pompeya... more
La grande colonnade double qui a été fouillée et restaurée au Sud de Tyr par les équipes de Maurice Chéhab, entre 1946 et 1975, était considérée comme une rue à portiques. Les nouveaux travaux conduits depuis 2008 montrent qu'il s'agit... more
První archeologické výzkumy v jádře poddanského městečka, doklady dřevohlinitého opevnění, nejstarší středověké zástavby, sídelně historické souvislosti.
Many events from Chicago history are evoked to create public excitement, community interest, and even ownership over elements of the contemporary city. Chicago's municipal flag does some of this symbolic work. Adopted in 1917, it depicts... more
Breve análisis del las formas en que se ha planteado el cambio social en la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (Colombia) antes de la llegada de los españoles, visto desde varios arqueólogos Brief analysis of the ways in which social change... more
This chapter introduces Boundary Line Type (BLT) mapping, a vector GIS based cross-culturally and diachronically comparative method, used for mapping the socio-spatial significance of urban built environments. This new research method is... more
"Archaeology, as the discipline that searches to explain the development of society by means of material remains, has been avoiding the big issues involved with its research agenda. The topic of social evolution is concealed by anxiety... more
Southeast Asia’s earliest cities emerged by the mid-first millennium CE after more than one thousand years’ growth toward urbanism and complexity. These early cities appeared both on the coasts and in river networks; their inhabitants... more
Tell el-Amarna is situated in middle Egypt and is the location of the New Kingdom city of Akhetaten, founded by Akhenaten in c. 1347BC as the cult home for the Aten. Occupied only briefly, it is our most complete example of an ancient... more
Lo studio traccia le linee dello sviluppo della superficie in diritto romano. L’istituto sorse tra secondo e primo secolo a.C., in conseguenza di rilevanti mutamenti demografici e urbanistici e fu probabilmente modellato sulle concessioni... more
North Africa is rarely mentioned in scholarship on the medieval Mediterranean. This paper demonstrates the potential of archaeology for understanding the impact of the Arab conquests on settlement and society in seventh- and eighth-... more
Esta obra configura una experiencia inédita en los anales de la Arqueología Argentina, dado que nunca, a más de 150años de iniciados los estudios prehistóricos, se había logrado tamaño protagonismo de los vestigios urbanísticos y... more
Memoria final de la intervención arqueológica de apoyo a la restauración en la calle Escudo del Carmen nº 11, localizada en el barrio de San Matías de Granada, desde enero de 2007 a marzo de 2009. Director de la intervención: Luca Mattei.... more
The book brings to light the results of the first excavation in the old town of Trogir in 1978-1980, within the Trogir Town Museum (Garagnin - Fanfogna palace), with the contribution to the Hellenistic urbanism of central Dalmatia, and... more
Resumo Este texto apresenta de forma breve e concisa alguns dos principais resultados da intervenção arqueológica levada a cabo recentemente num povoado indígena, situado no estuário do rio Lima e cuja ocupação remonta a fase inicial do... more
TAHUN 2011 – 2031
TAHUN 2011 – 2031
Here is only table of contents, introduction and few pages of catalogue. Full, paper version available here: