Ancient History
Recent papers in Ancient History
At Lepenski Vir, a locality situated on the Serbian side of the Danube River, excavations were made, and they began in the year 1965, but after 1971 the place was covered by the river waters where the Portile de Fier Dam (The Iron Gates)... more
Oi Christianoi - Sezione antica, n. 26 ----- Su Ipazia di Alessandria e su Sinesio di Cirene molti hanno già scritto: Ipazia, una nota antica scienziata e filosofia, Sinesio, un nobile, suo allievo e poi vescovo cristiano; Ipazia, da... more
Germanicus and his large family (his wife Agrippina Major and nine children) embodied in Tiberius' Rome a new political model that looked beyond the boundaries of tradition and opened up to elements that had remained outside the scene of... more
Until the Quiet Revolution of the 1960s, the Catholic Church had an almost unchallenged monopoly on public education in French Canada. Generations of French Canadian children were taught at the primary and secondary levels by various... more
Los desórdenes políticos que caracterizaron el siglo III d. C. en Roma estuvieron alimentados por dos grupos de causas principales: las luchas intestinas para alcanzar el trono imperial, por una parte y consolidarlo en clave dinástica, y... more
The Mont Saint-Michel is a small, rocky tidal island in France located in a large bay at the mouth of the Couesnon. The granite massif of Mont Saint-Michel is crowned with a medieval abbey. It's a table moutain; a remaining of a... more
RESUMEN: Este estudio se centra en la figura de Acilia Plecusa, una esclava que fue manumitida y contrajo un matrimonio legítimo con su propietario, Manius Acilius Fronto. Ellos eran originarios de la ciudad de Singilia Barba (Baetica) y... more
""Ancient Greece is famous as the civilization which "gave" the world democracy. Democracy has in modern times become the rallying cry of liberation from supposed totalitarianism and dictatorship. It is embedded in the assumptions of... more
It is a common misconception that fides and bona fides are ethical principles with changeable content, shaped by the development of social and moral values. They belong instead, since time immemorial, to the tradition of the ius civile,... more
The presence of arts and cultural institutions and networks is vital to the health of any global city, old, and new. But it is less apparent how we measure their contributions to quality of life issues in the rapidly changing mega cities... more
The nature of the relationship between the Assyrian state and the Syro-Hittite states is often represented in the writings of archaeologists and ancient historians under the rubric of imperialism, Assyrian sovereignty, and the... more
"This book is the first-ever monograph on the family of royal converts from Adiabene including the broader perspective of the cultural and political environment of Hellenistic and Parthian Adiabene. It collects, arranges and discusses all... more
Che posto occupavano gli animali nell’antichità? Come noi oggi, anche i Greci e i Romani avevano a che fare con cani, cavalli, galline; avevano allevamenti, vivari, acquari, e adottavano pratiche zootecniche. Amavano i loro animali da... more
Η διδακτική αυτή προσέγγιση αφορά στο σχεδιασμό και την υλοποίηση της διδασκαλίας στο πλαίσιο ενός μαθήματος φιλοσοφίας σχετικά με τις θεωρίες της γνώσης στη Β΄ Γενικού Λυκείου, με βάση το διδακτικό βιβλίο Αρχές Φιλοσοφίας στο... more
Published in Voss, A. & Wilson, S. (eds.) (2017) Re-enchanting the Academy. Auckland & Seattle: Rubedo Press.
This paper explores the principles underlying decisions to inscribe Athenian laws and decrees on stone, finding (against a recent paper by Michael Osborne) that many laws and decrees were not inscribed, including those of ephemeral... more
Review: "Liu Yang’s catalogue for the terracotta warriors…is an outstanding contribution to the literature on the tomb of Qin Shi Huangdi as well as a beautifully illustrated record of the seminal objects from the Terracotta Warriors... more
The principal theme of this volume is the importance of the public use of human remains in a historical perspective. The book presents a series of case studies aimed at offering historiographical and methodological reflections and... more
This paper aims to discuss hoplite shield devices from the Archaic Era while examining the aristocratic power struggles in Attica during the 6th century BC
Short history about evolution of Illyrian and Illyroslavic identity.
The purpose of this paper is to provide a case for the Exodus mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as a historical event. In an academic environment where most people simply ignore certain parts of the Bible due to the so-called "supernatural"... more
This paper addresses the construction of a " national " identity of the Athenian inhabitants during the tyrannical governance of Peisistratos and his sons (561/0-511/0 BCE 1) mainly through a series of religious practices, such as the... more
A large paper on recent finds in Numismatics in Vidarbha including a rare coin of new ruler Maha Satakarni.
Der vorliegende Band ist das Resultat einer Tagung in Iaşi, die unter dem gleichen Titel zwischen dem 24. und 27. September 2014 stattfand. Die Konferenz wurde gemeinsam von der Universität Konstanz, der Alexandru-Ioan-Cuza-Universität... more
Knight R P - The symbolical language of Ancient art & mythology - 1892
Data mining of Indus Script Corpora reveal the purpose of ceramic (stoneware) bangles (22), seals, fillets as dharma saṁjñā, 'badges of responsibility'.They are Corporate badges, with deciphered Indus Script inscriptions. Socio-cultural... more
This Forum discussion aims to explore the topic of repatriation from a variety of viewpoints considering twenty-first century realities in the region. The contributions fall into three main categories addressing general background... more
Chapter 3 from The City of Reason vol 1 Cities and Citizenship by Dr Peter Critchley The purpose of this study is to recover politics as a creative and rational arena of discourse capable of uniting disparate individuals within a... more